Shutter controller

Shutter controller based on LogicMachine #

Common function #

Place shutters function parameters in Scripting > Common functions.

function shutters(event, in_a, in_b, out_a, out_b, mode_alt)
  local value = event.getvalue()
  local out, out_alt

  -- a = move up/down; b = stop
  if mode_alt then
    -- true (up) = output a, false (down) = output b
    out = value and out_a or out_b
    -- output value for input a (up/down) = true, for input b (stop) = false
    value = event.dst == in_a
  -- a = move up/stop; b = move down/stop
    -- event from input a = output a, event for input b = output b
    out = event.dst == in_a and out_a or out_b

  -- alternative output, a => b / b => a
  out_alt = out == out_a and out_b or out_a

  -- turn off alternative output
  grp.checkwrite(out_alt, false)
  grp.checkwrite(out, value)

Event script #

Create event scripts for two input objects (same script for each input).

Standard mode: input A = move up/stop; input B = move down/stop:

shutters(event, '1/1/1', '1/1/2', '1/1/3', '1/1/4')

Alternative mode: input A = move up/down; input B = stop:

shutters(event, '1/1/1', '1/1/2', '1/1/3', '1/1/4', true)


  • 1/1/1 - input A

  • 1/1/2 - input B

  • 1/1/3 - output (relay) A

  • 1/1/4 - output (relay) B

Automatically turn off relays (optional) #

To turn relays off automatically after a certain time add an auto-off tag to each relay object.

Create a single resident script with 2-3 seconds of sleep time. Adjust maxdelta variable as needed.

maxdelta = 60 -- turn off after 60 seconds

objs = grp.tag('auto-off')
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do
  if obj.value then
    delta = os.time() - obj.updatetime
    if delta >= maxdelta then