Pushover service

Pushover service integration with LogicMachine #

Task #

How to send instant messages, like alerts to the user's phone or tablet? There are ready apps for iOS and Android devices to handle this task. For example, there is an app called Pushover, available for iOS, Android and desktop clients. Before using the example below, please register on the Pushover website to get user ID and Application API Token.

User library #

Create a user library named pushover (Scripting > User libraries) and paste this code (modify token and user as needed):

local pushover_url = 'https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json'
local token = 'PUT YOUR APPLICATION TOKEN HERE' -- Your application token, at least 1 app must be created at pushover.net to get the application token
local user = 'PUT YOUR USER TOKEN HERE' -- Your user token, retrieve from settings inside pushover application for android or ios

function pushover(title, message, sound, priority, retry, expire)
  if priority < -2 then priority = -2 end
  if priority > 2 then priority = 2 end
  if retry < 30 then retry = 30 end
  if retry > 86400 then retry = 86400 end
  if expire < retry then expire = retry end
  if expire > 86400 then expire = 86400 end
  if priority == 2 then prioritystring = ''.. priority .. '&retry=' .. retry .. '&expire=' .. expire ..'' else prioritystring = priority end
  now = os.date('*t')
  timestamp = string.format('%02d', now.day) .. '-' .. string.format('%02d', now.month) .. '-' .. now.year .. ' ' .. string.format('%02d', now.hour) .. ':' .. string.format('%02d', now.min) .. ':' .. string.format('%02d', now.sec)
  local data_str = 'user=' .. user .. '&message=' .. message .. ' ' .. timestamp .. '&token=' .. token .. '&title=' .. title  .. '&sound=' .. sound .. '&priority=' .. prioritystring
  return require('socket.http').request(pushover_url, data_str)

Event script #

Add the following script which will send pushover notification with sound

--Set title for message
title = 'LogicMachine'
--Set message to be send (current time and date will be added automaticly)
message = 'Storing LBK1'
--Set sound to be played on device
--pushover(default), bike, bugle, cashregister, classical, cosmic, falling, gamelan, incoming, intermission, magic, mechanical, pianobar, siren, spacealarm, tugboat, alien, climb, persistent, echo, updown, none
sound = 'updown'
--Set priority (-2 = no notification only badge and message in app, -1 = notification without sound or vibration, 0 = default, 1 = bypass user quiet hours (set in App not iOS), 2 = bypass user quiet hours (set in App not iOS) + acknowledge required
priority = 1
--Seconds to retry when not acknowledged, minimum = 30 (only used with priority 2)
retry = 30
--Seconds to expire retry when not acknowledged, maximum = 86400 (24 hrs, only used with priority 2)
expire = 3600
--Activate Pushover with parameters above
pushover(title, message, sound, priority, retry, expire)

Created by Erwin van der Zwart