Send LogicMachine backup file to Dropbox #
Create a Dropbox app #
Go to and click Create app.
Fill in the form as click Create app:
- Choose an API = Scoped access
- Choose the type of access you need = App folder
- Choose a unique name for your app, a folder with the same name will be created in your Dropbox account inside of the Apps folder.
- Switch to Permissions tab, enable files.content.write permission and click Submit at the bottom of the window.
- Switch to Settings, scroll down to Generated access token and click Generate. Copy the token and paste it into the script, replacing ... with the actual token.
Scheduled script #
Create a scheduled script that runs the backup procedure. Copy/paste the code and replace the token. Run the script and check the results in the Logs tab.
filepath can contain folders (separated by /). This can be useful if you want to use a single app for backups from multiple LMs.
token = '...'
filepath = '/LM-' ..'%Y-%m-%d') .. '.zip'
json = require('json')
ltn12 = require('ltn12')
http = require('socket.http')
webrequest = require('webrequest')
filedata, err = webrequest('general', 'backup')
res, code, hdrs, status = http.request({
url = '',
method = 'POST',
headers = {
['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' .. token,
['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream',
['Content-Length'] = #filedata,
['Dropbox-API-Arg'] = json.encode({
path = filepath,
mode = 'add',
autorename = true,
mute = false
source = ltn12.source.string(filedata),
if code == 200 then
log('dropbox backup ok')
log('dropbox backup failed', res, code, hdrs, status)