amati.linea HTTP requests

amati.linea HTTP requests #


cmd string

param string (JSON-encoded null, number, string, array, object)

cmd play-single

param [ uri, clear ]

plays single track or remote playlist, setting clear to true will clear the current playlist

cmd vol-up, vol-down

param null

changes volume by 2% step

cmd db

param null

returns current database of albums, artists, genres and playlists

cmd play-pause

param null

toggles between play and pause state

cmd players

param null

returns a list of other players in the same network

cmd status

param null

returns various information on current player status

cmd playlistdelete

param [ playlist, filename ]

removes all occurrences of filename in playlist

cmd source

param "sourcename" (int, auto, ext1, ext2, ext3, ext4)

selects current source (if hardware supports it)

cmd zone

param zonenumber (1..4)

toggles selected zone number on/off (if hardware supports it)

cmd save

param playlistname

saves current playlist as playlistname

cmd action

param { action: action, type: type, arg: arg }

  • action play, replace, add
  • type album, artist, genre, filesystem, radio, playlist, current
  • arg name

adds, replaces, adds and plays track(s) or playlists matching search name criteria into current playlist

  • action remove
  • type current
  • arg trackid

removes track with id trackid from current playlist

  • action remove
  • type playlist
  • arg playlistname

deletes stored playlist named playlistname

  • action track
  • type playlist
  • arg playlistname

returns info on tracks in playlist playlistname

  • action track
  • type album, artist, genre
  • arg name

returns info on tracks matching search name criteria

cmd MPD command

param [ arg1, arg2, ... ]

sends a command to MPD server, returns JSON-encoded result

Helper function for LogicMachine #

You can use amaticmd(ip, cmd, param) function to access player functions from LogicMachine

function amaticmd(ip, cmd, param)
  local url, res, err


  socket.http.TIMEOUT = 5

  if param == nil then
    param = json.null

  param = json.encode(param)

  cmd = socket.url.escape(cmd)
  param = socket.url.escape(param)

  url = 'http://%s/cgi-bin/audio/request.cgi?request=cmd&cmd=%s&param=%s'
  url = string.format(url, ip, cmd, param)
  res, err = socket.http.request(url)

  if res then
    return json.pdecode(res)
    return nil, err