CANx-DALI DALI2 frames

CANx-DALI DALI2 frame data fields #

Common fields #

  • frametype - either command, event or powercycle

Note that some fields might not be present if the frame contains reserved byte values. reserved field will be set to true to indicate that the frame cannot be fully parsed.

command frame type fields #

One of the following fields will be present depending on the addressing type:

  • shortaddress - device short address (number, 0..63)
  • devicegroup - device group number (number, 0..31)
  • broadcast - broadcast addressing (boolean)
  • unaddressedbroadcast - unaddressed broadcast addressing (boolean)
  • command - special command (number, 0..15)

command addressing type contains b1 and b2 fields (number, 0..255) with command-specific byte values.

All other types contain opcode byte field (number, 0..255) and one of the following device/instance addressing fields:

  • instancenumber - instance number (number, 0..31)
  • instancegroup - instance group (number, 0..31)
  • instancetype - instance type (number, 0..31)
  • flinstancenumber - feature on instance number level (number, 0..31)
  • flinstancegroup - feature on instance number group (number, 0..31)
  • flinstancetype - feature on instance number type (number, 0..31)
  • flinstancebroadcast - feature on instance broadcast level (boolean)
  • instancebroadcast - instance broadcast (boolean)
  • fldevice - feature on device level (boolean)
  • device - device (boolean)

event frame type fields #

Two of the following fields will be present depending on the addressing type:

  • shortaddress - device short address (number, 0..63)
  • devicegroup - device group number (number, 0..31)
  • instancetype - instance type (number, 0..31)
  • instancegroup - instance group (number, 0..31)
  • instancenumber - instance number (number, 0..31)

Possible addressing field pairs #

  • shortaddress + instancetype
  • shortaddress + instancenumber
  • devicegroup + instancetype
  • instancetype + instancenumber
  • instancegroup + instancetype

Common fields #

  • event - raw event value (number, 0..1023), see below for possible parsed values that can be available for certain instance types
  • instancetypename - instance type name (string, optional): push-button, absolute input device, occupancy sensor, light sensor

Instance type 1 (push-button) fields #

  • pressed - whether the button was pressed or not (boolean)
  • button - one of the following button states (string, optional): released, pressed, short press, double press, long press start, long press repeat, long press stop, free, stuck

Instance type 2 (absolute input device) fields #

  • position - position value (number, 0..1023)

Instance type 3 (occupancy sensor) fields #

  • movement - whether movement or presence is detected (boolean, optional)
  • sensor - one of the following sensor types (string, optional): movement or presence
  • state - one of the following sensor states (string, optional): vacant, still vacant, occupied, still occupied

Instance type 4 (light sensor) fields #

  • illuminance - illuminance value (number, 0..1023)

powercycle frame type fields #

  • shortaddressvalid - whether the short address is valid (boolean)
  • shortaddress - short address (number, 0..63)
  • devicegroupvalid - whether the device is a member of at least one group (boolean)
  • lowestgroupaddress - lowest device group number (0..31)